Monday, June 19, 2006

A few days back it was announced that Fraggle Rock...I mean Jay-Z was starting a boycott against the famous french champagne, Cristal. The stink was derived from a few comments made by Frederic Rouzaud, the managing director of Cristal, about the promotion of their champagne in Hip-Hop. Well, the company now has a bit to say about Joe Camel...I mean Jay's anti-Cris' movement.

"A house like Louis Roederer would not have existed since 1776 without being totally open and tolerant to all forms of culture and art, including the most recent musical and fashion styles which -- like hiphop -- keep us in touch with modernity,"

Sounds kind of contradictory to the first comment to me. Whatever, apparently the whole boycott thing isn't working out for Beyonce's Purse Watcher...I mean Jay-Z. Damn!


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